Good afternoon everyone welcome to today's Facebook live discussion my name is Maura Clancy I'm here at Chisholm Chisholm and kilpatrick in Providence Rhode Island and I'm joined today by cari Baker and Lindy Nash also of Chisholm Chisholm etl Patrick today we are talking about VA math before we get into the topics we have prepared for you today just a few preliminary things first we will be taking any questions that anyone wants to ask that you are able to leave in the comments feed next to this video so we'll do our best to get to some of the questions that you ask either by providing an answer from the live video today or at least by posting any materials that we think would be helpful to you and another thing that you can do to find additional materials on the topics that we discussed today if for some reason they are not posted which we'll try to do is to visit our website at ear ating comes from so say you you're not service-connected for anything you've never filed a claim before so you file your first claim safer a knee condition that you think was due to service say that knee condition does get service-connected the VA will assign you a disability rating rating ranging from to 100 based on how severe your disability is so that is kind of the gist of it so every disability assuming it gets service-connected we'll get a rating and that will dictate the amount of monthly compensation that you get so that is why it's so important and usually the way it goes is as I said you'll file the claim it'll get granted and what's known as a rating decision and within that rating decision that...
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Va diagnostic code 5242 Form: What You Should Know
The revised list of rating categories for the Veterans Health Administration (VIA) and other health plans and programs in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including the Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs, and Veterans' Affairs, is also being updated and will be published. Accordingly, VA will conduct a comprehensive review of the current ratings and will conduct public hearings under this section. The proposed revisions to this section will include a public hearing on October 22, 2017, to collect input and review the effects of the proposed changes. At the October 22 hearing, participants will have the opportunity to present their views. On October 31, 2017, VA will publish its final proposed changes to the ratings for the Musculoskeletal System and for Health Care System and Administration. The public hearing will include the scheduling of additional meetings and other activities that may be required to solicit input of service members and Veterans to support and modify the recommended ratings for each rating category. The revised rating categories will include the following: Disability Rating Categories, the current rating categories for the Veterans Health Administration's (VIA) Rating Systems. (See also Sec. 1.107 and Sec. 1.107a-6 for additional requirements for listing procedures that will apply for the proposed rating change effective May 1, 2017.) Comment : The proposed rating changes represent a departure from current practice as outlined below. The proposed revision to the Disability Rating Categories and ratings have been reviewed through internal VA processes and are consistent with the criteria and standards outlined in the Final VA Medical Quality Improvement Plan and will result, in most cases, in an appropriate rating. However, for the Rating Components and the rating of Disability, VIA is proposing to revise the Disability Classification System (DSS), including its underlying rating criteria, as the initial VA rating systems undergo review to assure that the new DSS will meet, and be in harmony with, the current criteria and standards. The new DSS will be a standalone ratings' assessment, rather than part of the Rating Component. VIA is also implementing a comprehensive rating reform on a phased basis effective May 1, 2017. While there will be periodic adjustments to the DSS to ensure consistent application of DSS criteria, VIA is making no adjustments to the Rating Components of these rating systems. Specifically, VIA will not change the existing criteria or standards for rating Disability in the Rating Systems.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Va diagnostic code 5242