Lake, knee, ankle, hip, and shoulder injuries are among the most common types of injuries suffered by military personnel. - One study found that almost 60% of injured Army veterans who were unable to resume their military duties after an injury were suffering from a muscle, bone, or joint injury. - Situations like rough helicopter or aircraft landings, vehicle accidents, and the onset of arthritis are just a few of the causes of debilitating joint damage that can happen to a service member. - Because many veterans have lived an active lifestyle, joint injuries can be especially discouraging. - If a service-connected injury is keeping you from living the life you once lived, you may be eligible for VA disability benefits. - VA claims for joint injuries can be complex because range of motion plays a huge part in the evaluation of your disability. - Disability ratings for injuries to all joints (leg, knee, ankle, hip, and shoulder) are based on range of motion and the degree of pain the injury causes or the dosage of medication needed for relief. - If you have a service-connected joint injury and were turned down for VA disability benefits, it is important to get immediate help with the next step, which is an appeal of the initial decision. - We can help. Call us at Cutting Law for a free evaluation of your case.
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Va disability rating for shoulder range of motion Form: What You Should Know
PDF — Veterans Health Administration I know what you're thinking. It's easy enough to add yourself to the VA database — how hard is that? Yes, to receive a rating from a VA medical facility, you must have one of the following conditions: The VA considers you to have an impairment that meets the “Disability for Osteoarthritis by Reason of Service-Connected Causes” criteria when: 1) You are 70 or older, 2) you were disabled as a result of osteoarthritis as a result of service-connected causes, or 3) in the case of a service-connected injury that was aggravated by the presence of osteoarthritis. In determining whether your injury meets the “Disability for Osteoarthritis by Reason of Service-Connected Causes” criteria, the VA will use the following criteria: • The injury is related to service-connected causes and is the result of the service member's use of an apparatus or device (for example, a walker) or an activity involving manual dexterity. The injury must result in a loss of an arm or hand. • The injury is permanent, and it occurred during active duty in an occupation directly associated with a hazardous function, unless the service member's participation in the hazard was minor. • The injury must be permanent. • The injury must result in the service member's inability to perform at least 10% of the service member's usual duties. • The injury must limit the service member's use of an arm or a leg beyond that for which it has been specially designed. • The injury must limit the service member's ability to perform normal daily activities or the ability to perform at least 20 hours per week of work. • The injury must result in one or more permanent medical, surgical, or nursing costs or expenses. The VA rating for the shoulder is based on an assessment of: • The severity of the disability due to osteoarthritis • The extent of the arthritis and the results of other medical tests • The functional limitations due to the arm and the functional limitations due to the lower extremity • The functional limitations due to the lower extremity if the arm is also affected • The functional limitations due to the arm if the right lower extremity is affected • The functional limitations due to the arm if the lower extremity is also affected.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Va disability rating for shoulder range of motion